Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Precious Daughter

Nora Jewel Clarkson
Born on January 28, 2011
5:05 p.m.
7lbs 15 oz
19 inches long

We're home and doing great. Chris and I are in awe of sweet Nora. Hope to have more updates and details this week. Stay tuned...


  1. Oh what a little sweetie! Robby and I are so happy for you guys. I will call you in the next couple days to see when we can stop by and drop off some dinner that you can either freeze or eat :). Love you guys!
    Whit, Robby and Nora's little boyfriend Bobby

  2. I am so glad you guys are home and tucked in before this storm comes through! We definitely want to bring by dinner for you this week or next - whatever works better for you all. Stay warm and give Nora a little snuggle for me! She's so precious.

  3. She is amazingly precious! So so Sweet!!!! I can't wait to meet her!

  4. What a cutie! Just make sure she stays away from that lil' Arthur boy. I hear he's a menace like his father.

    See you three in April!

  5. How wonderful! Glad you all are home safely. Scott and Chris were talking yesterday about us stopping by this week. Let us know what night works best.

  6. She's so precious! I love her little cheeks! So glad you all are healthy and doing well! Let me know when I can bring dinner by...
