Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Baby Sister - 26 weeks

For some reason I was thinking I was 27 weeks. Wishful thinking I guess! I had to really think about how far along I was :). Six and a half months. Wow. Baby sister is going to be here soon. And is growing by the second!!

(Sorry about the weird formatting. I am working in a new blogger ap and I haven't figured it out yet)

Baby Sister at 26 weeks:

Size of baby? Baby Girl's ears are more developed than before and she can now hear me and others I am talking to. She is continuing to put on baby fat and weighs one and two-thirds pound and is 14 inches long. I should note that my belly measured right on track when I was at the doctor today.

Total Weight Gain? 11 lbs

Maternity clothes? They are a must!

Sleep? I actually feel like I've slept pretty good this week.

Symptoms? Feeling more pregnant by the day! My heartburn and acid reflux has been bad lately. My OB gave me a prescription today and I know that will help. I'm still trying not to eat too big of meals though.

Movement? Yes. Still not as much as I did with Nora. I do feel baby Sister all over though. Her 14 inches have taken up all of my mid-section!

Food Cravings? Of course my lattes! I've also been craving a good fruit smoothie but have yet to have one!

What I miss? Not much! I'm just enjoying being pregnant and spending as much time as I can with Nora.

Best Moment of the Week? We had a great Easter. Pretty low key but it was really nice. I have some great pictures coming later this week so stay tuned.

Belly pic was taken a few days ago...

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