Friday, March 27, 2009

It's been a while...and Birthday Wishes!

I know it's been about a week since I last posted. I guess I've been kind of busy and haven't had anything exciting to post. My sister, Whitney, said she's 'bored with me'. So, here you go Will (Whitney's nickname)..a new post!!

This weekend we have a couple of b-day celebrations. Our good friend Rollie is turning the big 3-0 this weekend! Chris said he couldn't believe he "has a pal who is 30". I told Chris that almost 27 is not that far off..we're old. I'll post how the Surprise party goes. It's at a sports bar and KU is playing tonight. I'm praying that KU wins so I don't have a grumpy roommate all weekend.

Our niece, Jadon, is also turning 6 this weekend. I can't wait to go out get a girly gift!

And PLEASE say your prayers for me (I mean us) this weekend. We are getting a huge Spring Snow storm tomorrow. I thought we were in the clear...not quite yet.

Enjoy some photos with a couple other upcoming birthday wishes for loved ones!

Chris and the b-day boy. Emily (Rollie's wife) and I like to call this 'Bromance'

Happy Birthday Brooke! Brooke is my amazing sister-in-law. If you know Brooke and Nick at all, this picture (taken at our wedding) does a pretty good job describing them. Praise God Nick was lucky enough to find someone like Brooke. She's the perfect fit to our family.

Happy Birthday Cayla and Christian!! Christian and Cayla are my not-so-young cousins. I am so sorry I only have a picture of Cayla. Will someone in my family PLEASE send me updated pics of my cousins, you know, so they can make me feel really old :).
Cayla and Christian- Have a great Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Noel. It's the big 34!! Just kidding :)
Noel is obviously my mom's sister (also looks a lot like yours truly) and Christian and Cayla's mom.
Hope everyone has great Birthday's in the next couple of days.
I'll be thinking of you and please think of me when snow is up to the top of my Uggs.

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